What's With Cable TV in the 1990's?

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What Happened in the 1990's?

What's With Cable TV in the 1990's?

By the early 1990s, cable television prices were continuing to rise, making consumers none too happy. Because of rising prices, Congress passed legislation in 1992 that put a restriction on the growth of the cable industry. This meant that satellite companies and wireless cable would be limited in their growth, as well.

That wasn't the case, however. Satellite companies continued to grow regardless of the legislative act and by 1995 there were 139 cable services available throughout the United States, along with what you could view in your local area. In 1998, the number of cable services available grew even higher to over 170. It seems there were endless choices when it came to cable television.

The 1990s also saw the growth of fiber optic networks, thanks to a $65 billion investment to build these networks. Broadband was developed creating high-speed access to the Internet.



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