Comcast Cable

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Can You Tell Me More About Comcast?

Comcast Cable

If you have cable television through Comcast Cable, then you are receiving your cable through the country's number one cable provider.

Comcast started in 1963 as a small operation and has since grown to the largest cable provider in the United States. Today, Comcast serves about 24 million people in 36 different states for cable alone. Comcast also provides 11.5 million customers with high-speed Internet and 2.5 million customers with digital phone/voice service.

Comcast considers themselves as one of the leading communications companies in the world. They provide broadband cable, high-speed Internet access and broadband phone service to customers throughout the country.

Besides just being a cable television provider Comcast also invests in networks and sports teams. Comcast networks include E! Entertainment Television and The Style Channel. Comcast also has a majority ownership in Comcast-Spectator, whose holdings include the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team and the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team.



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